PAC-Suite 2.0(r200)
Namespaces | Enumerations

pacDataTypes.h File Reference

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namespace  Pac


enum  Pac::NetMsgType {
  Pac::RequestNodeSetup = 1, Pac::NodeSetupProperty = 2, Pac::ChangedNodeSetupProperty = 3, Pac::NodeSetupChangeConfirmation = 4,
  Pac::LookForOffsetSignal = 5, Pac::LookingForOffsetSignal = 6, Pac::FoundOffsetSignal = 7, Pac::InitializeDigitizer = 8,
  Pac::StartRecording = 9, Pac::StopRecording = 10, Pac::EndOfData = 11, Pac::Results = 12,
  Pac::WaveformTeaser = 13
enum  Pac::DataFileColumns {
  Pac::InvalidCol = 0, Pac::EnergyCol = 1, Pac::FirstEnergyCol = 2, Pac::SecondEnergyCol = 3,
  Pac::TimeCol = 4, Pac::TimeDiffCol = 5, Pac::EventIDCol = 6, Pac::FirstEventIDCol = 7,
  Pac::SecondEventIDCol = 8, Pac::ThetaCol = 9, Pac::PhiCol = 10, Pac::AngDiffCol = 11,
  Pac::NodeIDCol = 12, Pac::FirstNodeIDCol = 13, Pac::SecondNodeIDCol = 14

This enums fields will be converted to quint16 for saving on disc. So don't use too large numbers!

enum  Pac::DataFileColumType {
  Pac::InvalidColType = 0, Pac::QUInt8Col = 1, Pac::QUInt16Col = 2, Pac::QUInt32Col = 3,
  Pac::QUInt64Col = 4, Pac::QInt8Col = 5, Pac::QInt16Col = 6, Pac::QInt32Col = 7,
  Pac::QInt64Col = 8, Pac::QRealCol = 9, Pac::FloatCol = 10

This enums fields will be converted to quint8 for saving on disc. So don't use too large numbers!

enum  Pac::DataFileFlags {
  Pac::StillRecording = 0x0, Pac::Finalized = 0x1, Pac::ManuallyFinalized = 0x2, Pac::ManuallyMerged = 0x4,
  Pac::ParametersManuallyModified = 0x8

Possible values for the flag-field in pacevents headers.

enum  Pac::QueueStatus { Pac::EnqueueSuccess, Pac::QueueIsFull }
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